Foundations of Mathematics (Set Theory)

  • Ted Sider, Spring 2015, Tuesday/Thursday 10:10-11:25, Hollister 320; office hours Tuesdays 11:45-12:45 and by appointment
  • TA: Eric Epstein, office hours Mondays 2-4

This will be an introductory course, not a research seminar.  We won't do much more than work through the Enderton textbook together.



  • Exam 2 (noncumulative): Monday, May 11, at 7:00 PM, in Rockefeller Hall 230.


  • H. Enderton, Elements of Set Theory

Enderton has a list of errors in his book posted on his web site here


  • Homework 1: chapter 2, problems 3-13, and 17-25, odd-numbered problems only. Due Tuesday, 2/3.
  • Homework 2: chapter 3, problems 3, 6, ..., 30. Due Tuesday 2/10.
  • Homework 3: chapter 3, problems 31 (we did half of this in class, so do the other half), 34, 36, 40, 43; chapter 4, problems 2, 4, 5. Due Tuesday 2/24.
  • Homework 4: chapter 4, problems 8, 9, 13, 14. Due Tuesday 3/3.
  • Homework 5: chapter 4, problems 20, 23, 27. Due Tuesday 3/10.
  • Homework 6: chapter 5, problems 1-4, 6, 14. Due Tuesday 3/17.
  • Homework 7: chapter 5, problem 16; chapter 6, problem 5. Due Tuesday 3/24.
  • Homework 8: chapter 6, problems 7, 13, 15, 18. Due Tuesday 4/14.
  • Homework 9: chapter 7, problems 5, 8, 9. Due Tuesday 4/21.
  • Homework 10: chapter 7, problems 10, 11. Due Tuesday 4/28.
  • Homework 11: chapter 7, problems 13, 16, 18. Due Tuesday 5/5.
