Introduction to Metaphysics
Ted Sider
; 106 Somerset St., room 534; Fall 2022 office hours: Mondays, 12:45-1:45
Class meets in Scott Hall 220, Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00-3:20
Canvas course page
Paper 2 is due on Wednesday, December 14, at 2pm.
Exam 3 is on Wednesday, December 21, at 4pm, in our usual classroom.
Late paper policy
Exam 3 (time) study guide
Handout: Preliminaries
Handout: Free will and determinism
Handout: Hard determinism
Handout: Libertarianism
Handout: Hobart's soft determinism
Handout: Wolf on freedom
Handout: Van Inwagen's consequence argument
Handout: Introduction to personal identity
Handout: Empiricist theories of personal identity
Handout: Dualist theories of personal identity
Handout: Temporal parts and change
Handout: Coinciding objects
Handout: McTaggart
Handout: Smart
Handout: Broad
Handout: Prior
Handout: Lewis