Phil 319, Philosophy of Mathematics
Ted Sider
; Fall 2023 office hours: Thursdays, 9:20-10:20 and by appointment
Class meets in Scott Hall 214, Monday/Thursday 10:20-11:40
Link to Canvas page
The second exam will be in our regular classroom on Thursday, December 21, at 9:00 AM.
Midterm study guide
Study guide for second exam
Paper topics
Handout: Introduction to Philosophy of Mathematics
Handout: Platonism
Handout: Kant
Handout: The Parallel Postulate
Handout: Mill
Handout: The Move to Abstraction
Handout: Modern Logic
Handout: Logicism: Frege
Handout: Logicism: NeoFregeanism
Handout: A Foundational Crisis
Handout: Game and Term Formalism
Handout: Deductivism
Handout: Hilbert's program
Handout: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
Handout: ZF Set Theory
Handout: Set-theoretic platonism, epistemology and application
Handout: Structuralism